Peace Officer Standards: Here is what you need to know about CA AB846

Jul 27, 2020
Public Sector Human Resources Consulting


Welcome to Workforce Outsourcing, your trusted source for information on peace officer standards in California. In this article, we will explore the important details and requirements outlined in CA AB846, providing you with comprehensive insights into the peace officer profession and how to navigate the standards set forth by the legislation.

Understanding CA AB846

CA AB846, also known as the Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) Act, sets the benchmark for peace officer training, certification, and employment standards in California. It plays a crucial role in ensuring public safety by ensuring that individuals in law enforcement possess the necessary skills, knowledge, and qualifications to fulfill their duties effectively and professionally.

The Importance of Peace Officer Standards

Peace officer standards serve as the foundation for maintaining law and order within California communities. They define the competency requirements, ethical conduct, and overall professionalism expected from peace officers, establishing a framework that fosters public trust and confidence in law enforcement agencies.

Requirements for Peace Officer Certification

CA AB846 outlines the specific requirements for peace officer certification in California. These requirements include:

1. Education and Training

To become a certified peace officer, individuals must complete the required education and training programs approved by the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST). These programs are designed to develop the essential skills, knowledge, and abilities needed to perform the duties of a peace officer, covering areas such as criminal law, emergency response, community policing, and crisis intervention.

2. Background Investigation

As part of the certification process, candidates undergo a thorough background investigation conducted by law enforcement agencies. This investigation evaluates the candidate's character, integrity, criminal history, financial background, and other relevant factors to ensure suitability for the peace officer role.

3. Physical Fitness and Medical Evaluation

Physical fitness and medical evaluations are conducted to assess the candidate's physical capabilities and overall health. Peace officers need to meet specific physical fitness standards to perform their duties effectively and safely. These evaluations typically include tests for strength, endurance, agility, and vision, among others.

4. Psychological Screening

As part of the certification process, candidates undergo psychological screening to assess their mental and emotional fitness for the job. The screening evaluates factors such as stress tolerance, decision-making skills, and psychological stability to ensure that candidates can handle the demanding nature of the peace officer role.

Continuing Education and Training

CA AB846 emphasizes the importance of continuing education and training for peace officers to maintain their competency and stay updated with the latest developments in law enforcement practices. Post-certification, peace officers are required to undergo regular training and participate in professional development programs to enhance their skills, knowledge, and awareness of evolving law enforcement techniques and legal regulations.

Benefits of Meeting Peace Officer Standards

Meeting the peace officer standards set forth by CA AB846 offers numerous benefits, including:

1. Professionalism and Career Advancement

By meeting the peace officer standards, individuals demonstrate their commitment to professionalism and enhance their prospects for career advancement within the law enforcement field. Employers value certified peace officers who meet the prescribed standards and are more likely to offer opportunities for growth and specialization.

2. Public Trust and Confidence

Peace officer standards play a vital role in building and maintaining public trust and confidence in law enforcement agencies. When the community knows that peace officers meet stringent qualifications and adhere to high ethical standards, it fosters a positive relationship between law enforcement and the community they serve, promoting cooperation and collaboration.

3. Personal and Professional Development

Complying with the peace officer standards provides individuals with a solid foundation for personal and professional development. The comprehensive training, ongoing education, and adherence to high standards help peace officers continually improve their skills, knowledge, and effectiveness in serving and protecting their communities.


In conclusion, understanding and meeting the peace officer standards outlined in CA AB846 are crucial for anyone interested in pursuing a career in law enforcement in California. Workforce Outsourcing is dedicated to providing valuable resources and insights to individuals aspiring to become peace officers, ensuring that they have the necessary information and guidance to succeed in this noble profession.

Fawad Saleem
Great article! This is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the peace officer standards in California. Well explained!
Nov 8, 2023