PRP Treatment Under Eyes Before and After

Nov 6, 2023

Introduction to PRP Treatment

Knott's Dermatology, a reputable establishment in the field of Beauty & Spas, Medical Spas, and Dermatology, is proud to offer the highly effective PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) treatment for under-eye concerns. This revolutionary procedure has gained immense popularity due to its natural and long-lasting results.

Understanding PRP and How It Works

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is a cutting-edge treatment technique that utilizes the healing power of your body's own platelets to stimulate tissue regeneration and rejuvenation. The procedure involves extracting a small sample of your blood, which is then processed to concentrate the platelets and growth factors. This concentrated solution is then injected into the under-eye area to promote collagen production, improve skin texture, and restore a youthful appearance.

The Benefits of PRP Treatment Under Eyes

PRP treatment under the eyes offers a myriad of benefits for individuals seeking to address common cosmetic concerns in the area. By leveraging the regenerative properties of platelets, PRP therapy can significantly improve the following:

  • Dark circles
  • Puffiness and bags under the eyes
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Loss of skin volume
  • Skin texture and tone irregularities

Unlike invasive surgical procedures, PRP treatment is non-surgical, minimally invasive, and requires virtually no downtime. It offers a safe and efficient solution to enhance your under-eye appearance while ensuring natural-looking results.

PRP Treatment Process

The process of PRP treatment for under eyes is performed by highly skilled and experienced dermatologists at Knott's Dermatology. The steps involved in the procedure include:

  1. Consultation and assessment: The initial step is to schedule a consultation with one of our dermatologists. During this session, your concerns and expectations will be discussed, and a personalized treatment plan will be formulated.
  2. Blood sample collection: A small amount of blood will be drawn from your arm, similar to a routine blood test.
  3. Platelet separation and concentration: The collected blood sample will be processed in a centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma from other components.
  4. Preparation and numbing: The concentrated PRP solution is prepared for injection. Before the treatment, a numbing cream may be applied to ensure your comfort throughout the session.
  5. Injection: The dermatologist will carefully and skillfully inject the PRP solution into the targeted areas under your eyes.
  6. Recovery and results: Following the procedure, you can resume your regular activities immediately. Outcomes may vary from person to person, but noticeable improvements can often be observed within a few weeks. The full results typically develop over time as the collagen production increases.

Real Results: Before and After PRP Treatment

Witness the remarkable transformations achieved through PRP treatment under the eyes. The before and after photos showcase the noticeable improvements in individuals who have undergone this cutting-edge procedure at Knott's Dermatology.

Why Choose Knott's Dermatology?

When it comes to PRP treatment under the eyes, Knott's Dermatology stands out as a trusted and reputable destination. Here's why:

  • Expert dermatologists: Our skilled dermatologists have years of experience and extensive knowledge in the field of aesthetic medicine.
  • State-of-the-art facility: Our clinic is equipped with the latest technology and equipment to provide safe, effective, and comfortable treatments.
  • Personalized approach: We understand that every individual has unique needs, and we tailor our treatments to suit your specific goals and concerns.
  • Exceptional results: Countless satisfied clients have achieved outstanding results through our PRP treatment and other advanced procedures.
  • Unparalleled client care: At Knott's Dermatology, we prioritize your comfort, safety, and satisfaction at every step of your journey with us.


In pursuit of flawless under-eye skin, PRP treatment emerges as a groundbreaking solution that delivers exceptional results. Knott's Dermatology, a leading provider of Beauty & Spas, Medical Spas, and Dermatology services, offers this cutting-edge procedure alongside a team of expert dermatologists. With PRP treatment under the eyes, you can bid farewell to dark circles, uneven texture, and other common concerns, unveiling a rejuvenated and youthful appearance.

prp treatment under eyes before and after
Wow, I've always wanted to try PRP treatment! The results look promising. 😲✨
Nov 9, 2023
Robert Pizzimenti
This treatment is amazing! 👀💉
Nov 7, 2023